Breastfeeding Info

By the light of the moon
when all is quiet and still
my baby is at my breast
contentedly drinking his fill
I am happy to sit here and quietly feed
to give my baby all that he needs
to grow and one day to be big and be strong
knowing in the blink of an eye he’ll be grown and be gone

I dream of his future, an unwritten book
How will he act?
How will he look?
I want for him a myriad of things
not silver or gold or big diamond rings
but laughter and love,
health, happiness and joy
these are the treasures I want for my boy.

I sit and I dream and I hold in my heart
The time I spend giving him the best possible start.

with love, 

Breastfeeding is a beautiful and natural way to bond with your baby and give him a nutritional foundation that will last a lifetime.  But it isn’t always easy.  I believe every mums want to breastfeed their baby, but sometimes surrounding and other obstacles may restrict them. But it is worth trying.

Breastfeeding is a new thing I learn after I gave birth to my son, Ilyaas Hafiy. I learn this by the help from my husband, my mother and mother in-law, my sisters-in-law and also from the internet plus my own motherly instinct. It's the act of love from a mother to the child. It's exclusive and full of miracles. I dedicate this page to my son (and my other children (in the future with Allah's rezeki) ). I started this journey with zero knowledge but full of courage, support and inner confidence that I will and can breastfeed my baby. I never put any age/time limitation until when I should breastfeed (bf) my baby. I let it be natural and original.When the time come,s it will stop flowing by itself. Allah has a great plan on this miracle of the golden liquid. Thus, I want to share some info, websites, groups and other materials I found on the net about breastfeeding with other mothers out there. Plus, this will be my future reference if I am given chance to breastfeed another baby of mine (InsyaAllah) in the future. I am and will be writing articles (short/long) about my experience in breastfeeding. Please feel free to read and drop your comments.

Here are some lists of the links for our reference in bresatfeeding:-

** This page will be updated from time-to-time**

Breastfeeding Support Groups and Websites
Breastpump Brands
Breast Pump Direct (one stop center)
1. Medela ( I'm using one! It has a tiptop performance)
3. Modu 
4.Stylo Mama
5.Spectra 3
12.First Years 
13.Mebby--Italian product --(I am using it Manual Pump, marvellous!)